
Here are the opening times and locations for our foodbank centres. Everyone who comes to the foodbank for emergency food needs to have a valid foodbank voucher.


Foodbank Centre
St Andrews, Church Walk, Pershore, WR10 1BH

post should be addressed to The Abbey Office 11 Broad Street, Pershore, WR10 1BB

Directions via Google Maps

Need to access a foodbank voucher?
Important - Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system. In order to get help from our foodbank, you will need a voucher issued by local agencies. - Find out more

St Andrews

01386 555347

Opening times
Mon Closed
Tue 11:00 - 13:00
Wed Closed
Thu Closed
Fri 13:00 - 15:00
Sat Closed
Sun Closed


Church Walk

WR10 1BH

Directions via Google Maps